Injuries occur in Indianapolis and statewide for a number of different reasons. When these kinds of injuries take place, sometimes it is the result of accidents due to negligence. However, these incidents have many causes, and the Indianapolis injury attorneys at Christie Farrell Lee & Bell know this better than anyone. Let’s take a look at some statistics and news stories that illustrate the reasons for injuries in Indianapolis and across the state of Indiana.
Car Accidents in Indianapolis and Indiana
When Indianapolis car accidents occur, the results can range from minor injuries to more catastrophic ones that cause chronic pain, suffering, and even death. According to statistics, there were 47,428 injuries caused by Indiana car accidents in 2018. Of those, 36,932 Indiana car accidents occurred in Marion County.
- 19,604 accidents involved a speeding driver
- 31% of Indiana traffic accident fatalities occurred in rural areas
- 91% of individuals involved in accidents were wearing seatbelts. However, in crashes leading to fatalities, only 42% were wearing seatbelts.
- 5,241 accidents occurred in work zones
- 1,650 pedestrians were injured as a result of auto collisions
Any victim of a car accident deserves a legal advocate like the car accident attorneys at Christie Farrell Lee & Bell to listen to their story and share insights about the circumstances.
Semi Accidents in Indianapolis and Indiana
Another common cause of Indiana vehicle injuries are semi truck accidents. According to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI), 2017 saw 16,910 roadway accidents involving commercial vehicles. Commercial vehicles include large trucks, pickup trucks, combination vehicles, buses with more than 15 passengers, and school buses. Of those incidents, 3,297 injuries occurred due to large truck and semi truck accidents.
Bicycle Accident Injuries in Indianapolis
Riding a bike around the city has become a popular form of transportation for Indianapolis residents. However, our city has not ranked well for overall bike safety. According to, Indianapolis is one of the top 25 most dangerous cities for cycling. Some of the reasons include a lack of bike lanes or an emphasis on bike safety for drivers. Regardless, when people on bikes are hit by drivers ignoring bicycle safety laws, they not only put the riders’ lives at risk, but they also are committing dangerous forms of negligence.
Premises Liability Injuries in Indiana
When accidents occur on property owned or managed by another person, sometimes this is because the property owner did not maintain the property or supervise guests adequately. But, as with car accidents, there are many reasons for potential injuries related to premises liability. While statistics on these kinds of injuries may not be as readily recorded as car and semi accidents, there is no shortage of premises liability incidents in Indianapolis that result in injury.
Indianapolis Slip and Fall Injuries
It’s no secret that Indiana can be on the receiving end of some unsafe and unsteady conditions due to snow and ice in the winter. In fact, Kroger recently was denied an appeal after one shopper slipped and suffered serious injuries in the supermarket chain’s parking lot. Another dangerous cause of slip and fall is poorly maintained city sidewalks. When regular upkeep is not practiced by city officials and work crews, sidewalks will crack and erode, making it easy for pedestrians to trip and hurt themselves while walking. In fact, the Department of Public Works has identified specific stretches as being in desperate need of repair, including the Kessler Blvd. West Drive Bridge over White River. However, the project is not due to begin until 2021, meaning this sidewalk, like many others, may still pose a threat to Indianapolis pedestrians.
Dangerous Electrocutions in Indiana
Often these kinds of injuries occur on job sites in Indiana and the Indianapolis area. For instance, one Indiana resident was killed in Steuben County while working on a utility pole. Another devastating example was when an Indiana contractor died at a Dyer restaurant following an electrocution accident.
Accidents occurring in Indianapolis often leave the victim and their loved ones in disarray. This is particularly true when the injuries occur due to negligence on the part of another person or party. If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault in Indianapolis or Indiana, contact the personal injury attorneys at Christie Farrell Lee & Bell. From listening to your story to fighting for you in court, we’re your advocates.