Injured in an Accident? Our Muncie Motorcycle Lawyer Can Help to Claim Compensation

When you’re involved in a vehicle accident, the path to recovery can be fraught with challenges, as there are often multiple parties involved. Our role as your personal injury attorneys is to guide you through the process of claiming what you are entitled to under the law. Our approach includes:

  • Thorough investigation: We meticulously investigate the accident to uncover all contributing factors and responsible parties.
  • Dealing with insurance companies: We handle all negotiations with insurance companies, ensuring you are not undervalued or rushed into an unfair settlement.
  • Legal expertise: With our deep understanding of Indiana’s traffic laws and personal injury statutes, we build a robust case on your behalf.

motorcycle rider in muncie Indiana

Negligence Causes of Motorcycle Accident

Understanding the root causes of motorcycle accidents is crucial in establishing negligence and building a strong case to represent your interests. In Muncie, common causes of motorcycle accidents due to negligence include:

  • Left turns at intersections: A significant number of motorcycle accidents occur when a vehicle makes a left turn at an intersection, failing to notice an oncoming motorcycle. This oversight can lead to severe collisions.
  • Rear-end crashes: These are often caused by a driver’s inattention or failure to maintain a safe distance, resulting in a rear-end collision with a motorcycle. Such types of situations are commonly seen with truck accidents, often leaving motorcycle drivers exposed to harm.
  • Blind spot accidents: Motorcycles can easily be lost in a vehicle’s blind spot, leading to accidents during lane changes or merges.
  • No-contact accidents: Incidents where a motorcycle crashes while avoiding a collision with a car that has made an unexpected maneuver are also common. The car driver’s negligence can be a contributing factor, even without direct contact.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your case, our team is here to help you determine who is responsible for your injuries and damages to initiate legal action against them.

Damages You Can Recover After an Injury in a Motorcycle Accident in Muncie

According to Indiana University Public Policy Institute‘s latest reports, 138 motorcyclists were killed in collisions in a year, showing a 23% increase from the past year. If you are unfortunately a victim of someone else’s negligence on the road, you might be entitled to compensation, according to the damages suffered.

Economic Damages

The financial burden of a motorcycle accident can be catastrophic for any family. As your legal representatives, we strive to recover all economic damages, which include:

  • Medical expenses: This encompasses all medical costs, from immediate emergency care to long-term rehabilitation and therapy.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity: If your injuries prevent you from working, we seek compensation for lost wages. In cases of long-term impairment, we also pursue damages for lost earning capacity.

Noneconomic Damages

The impact of a motorcycle accident isn’t limited to financial losses. Noneconomic damages address the more intangible effects, such as:

  • Pain and suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and discomfort caused by the accident.
  • Emotional distress: This includes the psychological impact of the accident, such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • Loss of consortium: For married victims, the accident can strain marital relationships. Compensation for loss of consortium addresses the loss of companionship, affection, and support experienced by the spouse.

The Process of Filing a Motorcycle Accident Claim in Muncie

When you’re involved in a motorcycle accident in Muncie, the path to securing justice and appropriate compensation demands several steps. Our approach to guiding you through this process is tailored to address the unique aspects of your situation, ensuring a comprehensive and empathetic handling of your case:

  • Initial consultation: The process begins with a consultation where we assess the specifics of your case.
  • Gathering evidence: We collect all necessary evidence, including police reports, medical records, and witness statements.
  • Claim submission: We file a comprehensive claim on your behalf, detailing all the damages you have suffered.
  • Negotiation: We engage in negotiations with the insurance company, advocating for a settlement that fully compensates for your losses.

If a fair settlement is not reached, we prepare to take your case to trial, ensuring that every aspect of your case is meticulously presented.

Maximizing Your Compensation

Our first step is to comprehensively assess the full scope of your damages or if there was a wrongful death by one of your loved ones. This isn’t just about tallying receipts; it’s about understanding how your life has been altered.

We look at the immediate medical expenses and the long-term care costs, but we also delve into how your injuries have impacted your ability to work, your daily life, and your emotional well-being. Our goal is to paint a complete picture of your needs, both now and in the future.

Navigating the Statute of Limitations with Precision

In Indiana, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally two years from the date of the accident (as per Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4). This timeline is more than a legal deadline; it’s a critical window during which we must act strategically to build your case. We ensure that every necessary step is taken well within this period, giving your case the attention and urgency it deserves.

Why You Need a Muncie Motorcycle Lawyer

Our deep understanding of Indiana’s motorcycle laws and personal injury statutes is crucial in building a strong case for you.

We are committed to securing the compensation you deserve, allowing you to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life. For a consultation and to learn more about how we can assist you, please contact us today.