Most Common Injuries Related to Truck Accident Cases in Muncie and Indiana

According to Indiana University Public Policy Institute, there were 14,221 commercial vehicle crashes reported in Indiana in 2020 alone, with 134 fatal collisions. 

Due to the size of these vehicles, these collisions use to be particularly harmful to victims and result in many types of injuries for which you can claim compensation. 

The most common injuries related to truck accidents include:

These injuries can result in significant medical bills, loss of income, and other damages that can impact the victim’s quality of life. 

Therefore, if you have been involved in a truck accident in Muncie or anywhere in Indiana, it is crucial to seek the help of a personal injury lawyer to claim the compensation you need to financially recover your damages.

How to Claim Compensation After a Truck Accident in Muncie

When you’re involved in a truck accident, the path to claiming compensation can seem complicated. Understanding the steps involved can help you navigate this process effectively and make sure you can successfully present a claim to recover from all your losses. 

Understanding the Legal Time Frame: The Statute of Limitations

Firstly, it’s important to be aware of the time constraints imposed by the law for filing a personal injury lawsuit. According to the Indiana Code § 34-11-2-4, you have two years from the date of the truck accident to initiate legal action. This period is known as the statute of limitations.

This deadline is crucial. If you miss it, the court will likely refuse to hear your case, effectively eliminating your opportunity to seek justice and recover damages. 

Consequently, it’s advisable to take legal action well within this two-year window to maximize your chances of receiving adequate compensation. 

Immediate Action: Seeking Medical Attention

In the aftermath of the accident, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. This step not only ensures your well-being but also serves to document your injuries, which can be crucial when pursuing a personal injury claim. 

The medical records will serve as evidence of the harm you’ve suffered and the associated costs for treatment.

Legal Consultation: Engaging a Truck Accident Lawyer

Following your medical treatment, one of your initial steps should be to consult a local truck accident lawyer. An attorney who is well-versed in Indiana’s laws regarding these accidents can guide you through the complex legal landscape, ensuring that your rights are well protected.

Your lawyer can help you understand the extent of your legal rights, evaluate the merits of your case, and advise on the best course of action. They can also help in gathering evidence, establishing liability, and quantifying damages, all while ensuring strict adherence to the statute of limitations.

18 wheeler truck accident

Recoverable Losses After a Truck Accident in Muncie

Indiana law acknowledges this hardship and provides a means for victims to recover compensation for a variety of losses, including:

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses make up a significant portion of the damages you can recover. This category encompasses a wide range of costs, from emergency room visits and hospital stays to surgeries, rehabilitation therapies, and ongoing treatments. 

The cost of prescription medications, assistive devices, and any necessary modifications to your home for mobility purposes can also be claimed.

Lost Wages and Earning Capacity

If your injuries prevent you from working, either temporarily or permanently, you can seek compensation for lost wages. 

Additionally, if your ability to earn a living has been compromised due to the accident, you may be entitled to recover damages for loss of future earning capacity.

Pain and Suffering

In addition to the tangible economic losses, you may be compensated for the physical pain and emotional suffering you’ve endured as a result of the accident. These are considered non-economic damages and can be subjective, making it crucial to have an experienced Muncie truck accident lawyer to adequately present these damages.

Property Damage

If your vehicle or other personal property was damaged in the truck accident, you can seek compensation for the repair or replacement costs.

Wrongful Death

In the unfortunate event that an 18-wheeler truck accident results in a fatality, the surviving family members can pursue a wrongful death claim. Under Indiana Code, compensation can be sought for funeral and burial expenses, loss of companionship, and the pain and suffering experienced by the deceased prior to death.

It’s important to note that Indiana law places caps on certain types of damages in personal injury cases. A personal injury attorney from Christie Farrell Lee & Bell can help you navigate these complexities to ensure you receive the maximum compensation available under the law.

Why Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Muncie To Get The Compensation You Deserve?

Truck accident cases can be complex, involving multiple parties, insurance companies, and legal issues. In such a situation, a local truck accident lawyer can provide the legal expertise and resources you need to pursue fair compensation. 

They can help you to:

  • Investigate the accident and gather evidence to support your case.
  • Analyze the relevant Indiana trucking and traffic laws applicable to your case.
  • Negotiate with the other party’s insurance company on your behalf.
  • File a lawsuit in the appropriate court, if necessary.
  • Represent you in court and advocate for your best interests.

By hiring a lawyer from our law firm, you’re not just getting a legal representative; you’re gaining a dedicated partner who will stand by your side every step of the way.

Don’t Settle for Less – We’re Here to Help

At Christie Farrell Lee & Bell, we understand the devastating impact of truck accidents. We also know that the aftermath can be a challenging time filled with pain, confusion, and uncertainty. We’re here to help you navigate this difficult time and fight for the compensation you rightfully deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Muncie or anywhere in Indiana, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you and your family.

Our lawyers that handle these types of cases