Indianapolis Klumpke’s Palsy Attorney – Experienced Representation for Klumpke’s Palsy Cases in Indianapolis

If your child has been diagnosed with Klumpke’s palsy due to medical negligence during birth, seeking legal counsel from a lawyer specializing in personal injury is crucial. 

Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers at Christie Farrell Lee & Bell has been helping people all over Indiana fight for their rights and successfully pursue medical malpractice claims since 1993. You can rest assured in the fact we have the necessary knowledge and resources to handle even the most complex of cases.

We’ve been a strong source of support for families pursuing justice for their children after birth injuries caused by medical malpractice. As our case results show, we’ve recently secured a $1,250,000 settlement for a birth injury case, and we can do the same for you.

Our Proficiency in Handling Medical Malpractice Claims in Indianapolis

When it comes to medical malpractice, the expertise of a dedicated attorney is invaluable to successfully claim compensation. In every case, we use a comprehensive, structured approach that includes:

  • Comprehensive case evaluation: Our initial screening call allows you to understand the potential value of your claim, the legal avenues available to you, and your legal rights under Indiana’s law.
  • Evidence gathering: After deciding on the best legal strategy to pursue, we’ll start to collect evidence and consult with experts to substantiate your claim.
  • Negotiation: To secure fair compensation, our attorneys can handle all communications and negotiations with the at-fault party or parties.
  • Litigation: If necessary, we can take your case to trial and effectively advocate for your rights in front of a jury and judge.

What is Klumpke’s Palsy?

Klumpke’s Palsy, as defined by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), is a form of neuropathy that affects the lower brachial plexus, a network of nerves responsible for sending signals from your spine to your shoulder, arm, and hand. This condition can often cause paralysis or weakness in the hands and arms, but the severity of the symptoms may vary from mild weakness to complete paralysis, depending on the extent of damage to the nerves.


In addition to the physical challenges, Klumpke’s Palsy can impose a significant strain on the baby’s current and future quality of life. The child might struggle with basic tasks like gripping objects, which can lead to difficulties in their development and day-to-day life.

How Do Birth Injuries Cause Klumpke’s Palsy?

Klumpke’s palsy is often caused by birth trauma (such as excessive force during delivery), and when this occurs due to medical negligence, you have the necessary grounds to pursue financial restitution under Indiana’s law. Here, it is crucial to understand exactly what is considered medical negligence to know if you have a case. Our team of attorneys can listen to your story, evaluate the incident, and then inform you about your legal options. 

If your child has been diagnosed with Klumpke’s palsy or any other birth injury due to medical negligence, make sure to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. We offer free consultations for you to discuss your situation with no upfront costs to you. We don’t charge any fees unless we win your case and secure fair compensation for your family to move forward with recovery. 

Seeking Compensation for Klumpke’s Palsy in Indianapolis

The lawyers at Christie Farrell Lee & Bell can help you pursue justice by handling all of these legal details. We’ll make sure to file your claim within the deadlines and requirements stipulated by law, handling all legal paperwork on your behalf.

Our goal, always, is to help you get financially restituted, taking care of all the aspects of the legal process on your behalf while your family focuses on recovery.

Types of Compensation Available for Klumpke’s Palsy Victims

Victims of medical negligence leading to Klumpke’s palsy are entitled to various forms of compensation, including:

  • Medical expenses: Covering both past and future medical treatments (for example, including long-term needs and rehabilitation).
  • Pain and suffering: Compensation for physical and emotional distress, such as physical pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.
  • Lost wages: For parents who need to take time off work to care for their child, they can recover present and future lost wages.

Steps We Take to Assess Medical Malpractice Claims Involving Klumpke’s Palsy

Our team of experienced lawyers takes a comprehensive approach to handling medical malpractice claims. Here are the steps we typically follow:

  1. Review medical records: We meticulously examine all relevant medical documentation to identify any deviations from standard medical practices that could’ve led to the condition.
  2. Consult medical experts: Then, we collaborate with medical professionals specializing in neonatal care and neurology to provide insights into how the mismanagement could’ve resulted in Klumpke’s palsy. This expert opinion is crucial for building a strong case.
  3. Analyze legal precedents: Understanding similar cases and their outcomes helps us to frame your case within the context of Indiana law, ensuring we adopt the most effective legal strategies.
  4. Determine negligence: By integrating medical evidence with legal standards, we pinpoint negligence and its role in the injury. This step is vital in proving the healthcare provider’s liability.
  5. Calculate damages: Next, we assess the full impact of the injury on your family’s life, including medical expenses, ongoing care costs, pain and suffering, and any potential loss of earnings or life quality.

With all the information at hand, we tailor a legal strategy that aims for the highest possible compensation, whether through settlement negotiations or litigation in court.

Why You Need a Skilled Medical Malpractice Attorney for a Klumpke’s Palsy Case in Indianapolis

At Christie Farrell Lee & Bell, we understand the profound effects Klumpke’s palsy can have on a child and their family. But you don’t have to navigate this path alone. Our team of lawyers can guide you through each step of the legal process, leveraging our expertise to secure the compensation and justice you deserve. From the outset, we’re prepared to advocate tenaciously on your behalf, ensuring your voice is heard and your case receives the attention it deserves.

If your child has suffered birth injuries due to negligence, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation and take the first step toward justice.